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The 1973 Supreme Court decision on Roe v Wade was part of a general move to change America into the image of the New World Order that had really started in 1933 under President Roosevelt. The educational system already had been taken over, beginning with the colleges and universities. The takeover then moved into the high schools, grade schools, and now their indoctrination begins with pre-school.
When they took prayer out of schools in 1961, the chaos began, as statistics show. When they eliminated Civics from the curriculum, a new generation rose that was ignorant of the principles of the constitution itself. Respect for authority and for the constitution itself was degraded.
When Roe v Wade was overturned recently, there were calls to eliminate the Supreme Court altogether—as if we have no need for justices to defend the constitution from those who would usurp powers not given to them. Their lack of respect for the constitution underlines the need for a Supreme Court.
Other than the obvious issue of whether or not murder should be legalized, the manner in which Roe v Wade was overturned is sure to have a huge side effect in many other areas of life. The federal government has long usurped an entire host of powers never granted to it by the American constitution. Now the genie has been let out of the bag, Justice Thomas is already suggesting that there are other policies that ought to have been left to the states and not usurped by the federal government.
The issue of States rights divided the country 170 years ago on the issue of slavery. Back then, the Supreme Court drove a wedge into the country dividing north from south in the Dredd-Scott decision. In 2022 the issue is different, but once again the Supreme Court has driven a wedge between red states and blue states—simply by allowing the states to decide for themselves whether to allow abortions or not.
Within half an hour of the decision, the attorney general of Missouri announced that abortions were immediately illegal in his state. Legislation had already been passed earlier, pending the Supreme Court’s decision on Roe v Wade. Hence, the Supreme Court’s formal announcement gave life to Missouri’s law.
Tennessee and Arkansas followed Missouri’s lead. Planned Parenthood had to cancel abortion appointments or face possible murder charges.
About 35 out of 50 states will restrict or eliminate abortions altogether. The division among the states largely depends on whether they are controlled by Democrats or Republicans. The majority of the states (and most of the actual territory in America) are now able to throw off the yoke of the federal government and adopt laws that are repugnant to them. America’s heartland follows traditional religious views—not always biblical, but moreso than those who follow the New World Order. Hence, the battle lines are being drawn.
Riots are now taking place among the supporters of Roe v Wade. Most of these people are non-believers, so one would hardly expect them to be peaceful demonstrators. They have already shown an inclination toward violence, while at the same time labeling Christians as “domestic terrorists” for demonstrating peaceably. The hypocrisy is evident.
Texas is now at the forefront of seceding from the country. When Texas became a state, it specifically retained the right to secede at any time, and, in fact, the legislators must vote every year to remain a state of the union. Texas was already angered by the voting fraud that gave the Bidenista regime power in Washington. Now there is growing sentiment to secede.
If Texas becomes an independent nation, there is no doubt that most of the other red states would join it, leaving just the east and west coasts as part of the USA. Personally, I don’t think it will go that far, because regime change is inevitable. Yet even regime change could cause the blue states to secede from the union! We are a very divided nation.
Yet we know that God has a plan for America. I do not believe that the country will be divided—or if it is, it will be quite temporary. We are coming to the point where Christians have finally had enough with Mystery Babylon and the federal government’s usurpation of powers that were never delegated to it. The only real solution is to see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, so that we may be united under the rule of Jesus Christ. He must be reinstated as our King. His laws must be respected as the true standard of morality.
We pray to that end.