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When Jacob adopted the two sons of Joseph and gave them each a portion of the birthright, it created a unique situation (and problem) that would have to be resolved later. Genesis 48:14 tells us that Jacob laid hands on both Ephraim and Manasseh, and though Ephraim was preferred over Manasseh, both were blessed at the same time.
The problem was that the two sons (and later the tribes) would have to be in unity in order for the birthright of Joseph to be fulfilled. Another way of looking at this is to say that in order for Christ’s second coming to be a manifestation of Joseph, both Ephraim and Manasseh would have to be united (legal unity, such as seen in a marriage).
I learned long ago about the breach between Israel and Judah, or between Joseph and Judah, but I had not considered the necessity of unity between Ephraim and Manasseh. I have had revelation for decades about the coming unification between the US and Canada—more recently described in terms of the coming United Kingdom of America. But today the revelation went further, showing the necessity of tribal/national unity to bring the Joseph calling to fruition.
The International Peace Arch
There is a Peace Arch in Vancouver, British Columbia. The Canadian side reads a little differently from the US side, but the messages are similar:
As stated in the inscription, U.S. As illustrated, each side of the Peace Arch honors a mother whose existence is traced back to the British Empire, with the Peace Arch’s wording reading “The family of a common mother” while the Canadian sign read “From the British Empire to all future generations.”. Each year, about half a million people visit the Peace Arch….
In its ink, the U.S. adorns the wall with a message. In remembrance of the two nations’ shared origin (a reference to the British Empire’s use of that name), the Peace Arch reads the statement, “A nation with children of a common mother”. On the Canadian side, words read, “Brethren dwell together”.
I now have new insight into the reason why God has spoken so much lately about the UKA. It is not just about having two or three nations dwelling peaceably. It is about actually uniting them into a single nation under Christ—that is, with each nation recognizing Christ as the ultimate King and thus submitting to His laws.
Right now, the way the world seems to be heading, that seems improbable to impossible. But we have faith in His ability to change the world and the hearts of the people by the outpouring of His Spirit. We do not focus on the hardness of men’s hearts, but upon God’s promises.
The revelation we have received in recent years and months has alerted us to God’s intent to fulfill His word in our generation. The words on the International Peace Arch will be fulfilled—and more. Ephraim and Manasseh will be united into a Joseph company of nations. The political event will be the result of a spiritual event that unites the two portions of the Joseph calling.
This, God has said, is God’s gift to us and to the world. Therefore, we should “gird up our loins.”
God’s Faith-Tests in the Wilderness
When God makes promises, He often (or usually) raises up opposition to test our faith. God does not need to discover our level of faith, of course. He does this so that we know. The opposition brings the truth to the surface so that it is plain for all to see. Such tests, of course, showed just how little faith the Israelites had in the time of Moses. Although they saw many tremendous miracles, these did not instill faith in most of the people. So when Pharaoh’s army showed up, their lack of faith was exposed (Exodus 14:10, 11, 12).
Fortunately, God had raised up Moses to be the man of faith that could take the lead in bringing the faithless Israelites through the Red Sea to a place of safety. It only required one man’s faith to overcome the effects of national unbelief.
When the province of Kwa-zulu Natal got flooded a few days ago, a rainbow appeared in the Tyler home. No rain was falling in that house—nor even outside—yet John says that they saw a rainbow. It speaks of the promise of God for protection in the midst of the storm. When the world experiences disasters, “A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not approach you. You will only look on with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked, for you have made the Lord, my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place” (Psalm 91:7, 8, 9).
The Coming Storm
In 1956 Congress made our national motto (USA): “In God We Trust.” They did this as a reaction to the secularization of America that had begun 30 years earlier under President Roosevelt. God intends to make us fulfill that word.
I am reminded of what was revealed back in March of 2001 in the months leading up to the demolition of the Twin Towers. We were instructed to pray, “God bless America,” knowing that God’s definition of “bless” is to turn us from our wicked ways (Acts 3:26). Six months later, after the Twin Towers were demolished, congress stood on the steps of the Capitol building and sang “God Bless America.” They had no idea that they were just repeating our prayer for the last six months! They thought they were doing it by their own free will decision.
The storm at the time came through the Twin Towers demolition on September 11, 2001. We are now coming into a greater storm that will result (in the end) in a greater blessing. There are three main things that God has revealed about the coming storm. (1) He will strip the US dollar of its value and of its fiat character; (2) He will change the leadership in the US; (3) A new political party will emerge in the US.
Knowing this, we have taken steps to prepare accordingly by turning fiat paper wealth into real assets—God’s money, as it is defined biblically.
The Portfolio Angels
Today Bradley had a visitation of 10 large angels who identified themselves as Portfolio Angels. Each had a smaller angel acting as an assistant (total of 20 angels). The dictionary definition:
Portfolio: 1. A portable case for holding loose sheets of paper, drawings, maps, or official documents of a ministry. 2. The office or post of a cabinet member or minister of state. 3. An itemized list of the investments, securities, and commercial paper owned by a bank, investment organization, or other investor. (From portare, “to carry,” and foglio, “left, sheet.”)
Robin Bullock says that every word that God speaks carries all possible definitions. It is clear that we are receiving instructions to prepare us for the work ahead on at least three levels. From the present standpoint, it appears that Sunday (Wave-sheaf offering of barley) we will be given the signal to begin to implement God’s portfolio.