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The Lord appeared to Bradley earlier this week and gave him a piece of revelation that we should pray about.
He indicated that America reached a major turning point toward evil on January 3, 1987 when Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia took his place as the Senate Majority Leader, succeeding Bob Dole after the mid-term elections in November 1986. Of interest to us is that October of 1986 was the 120th Jubilee from Adam, which we failed to declare. (God later had us declare it ten years late in 1996.)
Bradley was not given details as to Byrd’s evil program, but we know that Byrd in his early years in the 1940’s he was a proud KKK leader.
Byrd wrote that he continued as a "Kleagle" recruiting for the Klan until early 1943, when he and his family left Crab Orchard for a welding job in a Baltimore shipyard. Returning to West Virginia after World War II ended in 1945, he launched his political career, but not before writing another letter, to one of the Senate's most notorious segregationists, Theodore Bilbo (D-Miss.), complaining about the Truman administration's efforts to integrate the military.
Byrd said in the Dec. 11, 1945, letter -- which would not become public for 42 more years with the publication of a book on blacks in the military during World War II by author Graham Smith -- that he would never fight in the armed forces "with a Negro by my side." Byrd added that, "Rather I should die a thousand times, and see old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels…."
His political career almost ended there, however, when his opponents revealed his former ties to the KKK.
Confronting the issue, Byrd went on the radio to acknowledge that he belonged to the Klan from "mid-1942 to early 1943," according to newspaper accounts. He explained that he had joined "because it offered excitement and because it was strongly opposed to communism." He said that after about a year, he quit and dropped his membership, and never was interested in the Klan again.
Byrd won the primary, but during the general election campaign, Byrd's GOP opponent uncovered a letter Byrd had handwritten to Green, the KKK Imperial Wizard, recommending a friend as a Kleagle and urging promotion of the Klan throughout the country. The letter was dated 1946 -- long after the time Byrd claimed he had lost interest in the Klan. "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia," Byrd wrote, according to newspaper accounts of that period. Byrd makes no mention of the letter in his new book.
Stunned Democratic state party officials, including then-Gov. Okey L. Patteson, urged him to drop out of the race. Byrd survived the ensuing political firestorm, won the general election and went on to serve six years in the House before winning his Senate seat in 1958. During his Senate campaign, he told a newspaper reporter that he personally felt the Klan had been incorrectly blamed for many acts committed by others.
Byrd's life story is one of political transformation and redemption as he evolved from a redneck politician to a mainstream Democrat in a party dominated by liberals. But there was no way for him to completely bury his Klan ties, and his past would resurface time and again throughout his career.
I do not know if Byrd was later truly repentant of his earlier views, but the Democratic Party never chastised him, nor did they expel him from the party. If any of their opponents from another party had once been a Klan member, of course, they would have raised a great hue and cry until he was ruined forever. Such is the double standard of politics as usual, although one might ask why the Republican Party allowed this to pass unnoticed, even when Byrd was the Senate Majority Leader.
At Byrd’s funeral, Joe Biden gave the eulogy. Newsweek, a liberal anti-Trump magazine, was forced to admit this as well.
Biden, who has faced criticism in the past over comments he made about working with segregationists, gave the eulogy for Byrd at his funeral in 2010…
The senator, who once filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for more than 14 hours in the Senate, claimed it was his membership in the Baptist church that marked "the beginning of big changes in me," according to the Post…
Five years later during the senator's eulogy, Biden described Byrd as "fiercely devoted to his principles," a "friend," "mentor" and a "guide"—comments which have brought Biden fresh criticism as he enters the final stretch of his campaign for president.
"In case you forgot, Joe Biden gave the eulogy at Robert Byrd's funeral. He was a klansman recruiter who filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights act for 14 hours," Ryan Fournier, co-chair of Students for Trump, tweeted Thursday. "Biden call [sic] him a 'mentor' and a 'friend.' Joe is the racist."
Byrd “once filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964.” This was 20 years after he supposedly resigned from the KKK.
Biden himself has a long history of racism that would offend black people today, if these things had not been hidden by the mainstream media. His views and comments aligned with those of Senator Byrd.
Hillary Clinton also referred to Byrd as “my friend and mentor, Robert C. Byrd.”
NOTE: This picture of a gray-haired Robert Byrd wearing his klansman robe does not picture him as a young man. It appears that this picture was taken in the 1980’s or even in the 1990’s. So all the talk about his single mistake in his early life are disproven by the picture itself.
Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, also spoke of Byrd in reverent terms.
"Senator Byrd's service and leadership are more than worthy to be remembered for many generations to come," she praised. "He was a great American patriot."
There is little doubt that if Donald Trump had eulogized an ex-KKK member who had opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the news media would have trumpeted this news to the whole world. But somehow Robert Byrd was given a free pass and was worshiped by the Democratic Party. Racism was institutionalized right under the noses of the leaders of the black community who failed to inform their constituents of this fact.
However, West Virginia College finally removed Byrd’s name from its Health Center in 2020 after the rise of Black Lives Matter.
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — A private college in West Virginia said Wednesday it is removing the name of the late U.S. Sen. Robert C. Byrd from its health center, saying his name had caused “divisiveness and pain” without explicitly noting his complicated past on racial matters.
Byrd was a member of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1940s but subsequently denounced the organization. He served in the Senate for 51 years and died in 2010 at age 92.
I do not know what God was referring to about the evil that came to America when Robert Byrd became the Senate Majority Leader (Democratic Party) on January 3, 1986. I only know that Byrd was not the man that people took him to be. There is something very sinister going on in the Democratic Party (with the support of many Republicans). But we will be praying further about this and see what God reveals.