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Note: This blog post is part of a series titled "Kingdom structure." To view all parts, click the link below.
On February 16, 2022 God instructed us (through Bradley) to proclaim Jesus Christ as King of The United Kingdom of America. The full implications of this are yet to be seen (or even known), but it appears that in the eyes of God the territories of Canada and the United States are being claimed by Christ. These are just the first nations to be recognized in a diplomatic sense as the basis of Christ’s Kingdom.
Others will be added in the next thousand years as the “stone” in Daniel 2:34, 35 grows, for it must ultimately fill the whole earth. That stone is both Christ Himself and His Kingdom.
Our declaration this month was preceded by a similar declaration in October of 1994. I see it as the next prophetic step in building the Kingdom.
While living in Seattle years ago, I was invited to speak at a conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada). So on September 30, 1994 three of us began driving to Winnipeg—a drive that was more than a thousand miles. My oldest son, Ryan, went with us. He was just 14 at the time but was actively involved in our prayer campaigns from the beginning (1993). His name means “Little King.”
We also took David Adamiak with us. His name was Polish for “Son of Adam,” or “Son of Man.”
My name (Stephen) is from the Greek word stephanos, which means “crown,” or, more literally, a victor’s wreath. The “crown” in the book of Revelation is always from stephanos.
After a day of travel across the country, it occurred to me that our names were prophesying something. If you string the names together, it means Crown King David, Son of Man.
Thea’s Star Vision
As we drove through the state of Montana, my thoughts went back to Sister Thea’s Star Vision, which she had received in 1979. A bright light had filled the car, and a voice had told her to get a map and draw lines from one city to another. When she finished, it pictured a six-pointed star across America. Then the voice told her to draw a crown on the US-Canadian border. The top of the star was also the top of the center of the crown—at Winnipeg.
In one of Thea’s writings, I found this drawing that illustrated the Star Vision. It is interesting that Winnipeg is the only city written on the drawing. Because we were heading to Winnipeg, I knew that this trip was going to speak into this vision in some manner. Winnipeg was the city that unified Canada and the United States.
Thea wrote:
“So when the Lord gave me this map, this star, He then began to teach me other things. He told me that this would be his country, His land, where His kingdom would be established. That I was to go forth and teach, and teach others to teach about His Kingdom principles; and how this country… would be His throne. He called it literally, His ‘Throne,’ and Canada His ‘Crown,’ or Dominion… He spoke to me and said, ‘This is My crown; this is My dominion,’ whereas the star area was His heart and throne. Both of them go together, both of them symbolizing a spiritual, soulish, and physical reality that we are all coming into.”
It is clear, then, that God intended to unify the two nations into one Kingdom under the rule of Jesus Christ. But in 1994, as we made the trip to Winnipeg, we did not know precisely what God was about to do.
The conference in Winnipeg took place on the weekend of September 30 to October 2. We arrived late on the evening of October 1st, and my first teaching took place that same evening. Later that night (about 1 pm), as we prepared to sleep, I was given the revelation of the Hezekiah Factor, which I have written about elsewhere. It was the principle of God turning back the clock 10 days or 10 years.
October 2, 1994 had already been on our watch list, because it was precisely 490 days from Pentecost of 1993, when the church reached its 40th Jubilee since the Holy Spirit was poured out in Acts 2. It was also the day that King Saul died prophetically after reigning 40 Jubilees. Yet we did not know just what God would do until the morning session.
The Repair of the Breach
After Solomon died, the Kingdom of Israel was divided into two nations: Israel to the north, and Judah to the south. From this point in biblical history, the prophets never confuse the two. When they spoke of Israel, they spoke of the ten tribes; when they spoke of Judah, they spoke of the two tribes (Judah and Benjamin). One must interpret their prophecies accordingly. The only exception is when the prophets were speaking of the future, when all the tribes were to reunite under Christ.
Isaiah 58:12 prophesies of Christ, saying,
12 Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; you will raise up the age-old foundations; and you will be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of the streets in which to dwell.
This prophecy is built upon Genesis 49:10, where we see how the people were to gather, rally, and swear allegiance to “Shiloh” (Christ in His second coming). The separation of callings in Jacob’s blessing (Genesis 49) began as a division of labor but ended by dividing Judah’s scepter from Joseph’s birthright. As long as the tribes were united, they all could benefit from each other’s calling, but when the great “breach” occurred between Israel (Joseph) and Judah, it caused a long delay in the establishment of the Kingdom.
Jesus is “the repairer of the breach,” of course, but those whom God uses to repair the breach are also included. Isaiah recognized this by saying, “those from among you…will be called the repairer of the breach.” Therefore, it is proper to say that we ourselves are repairing the breach by speaking the words of God in agreement with His will.
This is why we were sent to Winnipeg. It was to speak prophetically of the unification of the tribes, so to speak, beginning with Canada and the USA. What Thea had foreseen by revelation in 1979 was taken to a new level in 1994.
The Word Goes Forth
In the morning session of the conference (October 2, 1994), they decided to have a question-and-answer forum. Those in attendance were encouraged to present the speakers with their questions. The first question asked was: “Why is it that Americans do not appreciate the monarchy of England, since she is a descendant of King David and can prove her genealogy?”
As an American on the panel, I asked if I might answer that question. I explained how the American Revolutionary War (1776) had remanifested the original breach between Israel and Judah. I reminded them how Solomon had imposed high taxes upon the people, and for this reason, they finally revolted (1 Kings 12:4, 16).
America too revolted over the issue of taxation without representation. They revolted in 1776, which was 2,520 years (or “seven times”) after the first tribes of Israel were deported to Assyria (745 B.C.). Israel’s capital, Samaria, was finally destroyed in 721 B.C., and 2,520 years later was when America’s capital, Washington, was built (1800).
It is obvious that America was playing the role of Israel, while Britain was playing the role of Judah (with its monarch who was of the House of David).
So the question was why did Americans not appreciate the monarchy. The simple answer was that we were replaying the story in the Bible of the revolt of Israel over taxes without representation. But this breach was to be repaired someday, for this was prophesied in Isaiah and in other places. The only real question was WHEN?
We did not know when, but it was soon plain to those attending the conference that we were to pray that this breach would be repaired.
I explained to them that the solution was not to reunite under the rule of men but under the rule of Christ. I would not think to impose the American form of government upon Canada and Britain, but neither would I impose the current monarchy upon Americans. Something new had to be put in place. We call it The Kingdom.
As it turned out, this was the only question that was discussed at the conference in Winnipeg. Toward the end of the morning, I led the people in an appeal to God that He would reunite His people under the headship of Jesus Christ, the King.
So on February 16, 2022 we were led to take the next step in this decades-old sequence. We declared and established what God called The United Kingdom of America. The structure of this Kingdom was seen by Thea in 1979, then a representative group of Canadians and Americans met in 1994 to pray for this reunification, and finally in 2016 the unified Kingdom was brought forth by the sure word of prophecy. Our revelation was to Crown King David Son of Man.
Though it is yet invisible to most people, God is now “stirring the pot” to bring about the end of the breach. Such changes always seem chaotic, but in the end, there will be peace. The structure of the Kingdom has been established, and events will now move swiftly to crown Jesus King.
Note: This blog post is part of a series titled "Kingdom structure." To view all parts, click the link below.