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This morning (CST) on a call to South Africa, I was told that the word of the Lord was that “the glory of God’s financial system has been released.” God also warned us of “an incredible retaliation, because of the release of funds” that was coming today and tomorrow. “Bradley will have to be exposed to a lot of evil to deflect it from the two nations,” a reference to South Africa and the USA.
In other words, Bradley is bearing the brunt of a spiritual attack on South Africa and the USA. We appreciate your prayers more than you could know.
Of course, this is far more than just the release of funds to build the Kingdom. At this point, the money is just a small part of the big picture. This will bring down the entire financial system when its crimes have been exposed, and even entire governments will fall as a result.
But that is what Scripture says to expect, so this comes as no surprise. The funds are being transferred to a more friendly bank this weekend and should be available on Monday, February 14. God’s timing is impeccable. This date is the prophetic type of the Second Passover (2/14). See Numbers 9:10, 11.
It is now clear why Mike and Kathy were led to construct a formal prayer in regard to the armor of God. I posted this prayer yesterday and urge you all to read it aloud in prayer, especially over the weekend until the danger is past. I do not want any of you becoming a “secondary target.” We have seen in the past how, when the enemy fails to take out its primary target, he will seek a secondary target.
About 20 minutes after this “retaliation” revelation was shared with me, I heard shouting in the background. It was Bradley’s mother fighting a demonic enemy. This interrupted the call for about 10 minutes, and when the call resumed, I learned that Bradley had literally and physically been tackled by an “old woman” who had suddenly materialized in his room.
His mother heard the commotion and came running. She only saw a pair of hands around Bradley’s throat, trying to strangle him. She shouted at the hands and tried to pry them loose from his throat. But it was only by calling upon the name of Jesus that the attack was broken. A few minutes later, Bradley came back into consciousness. He told them that the attacker looked like an old woman with long, gray hair but who was extremely powerful.
So today’s attack failed. But since God had already warned them to watch the next two days, we expect a second attack tomorrow. It is obvious that the world banking system is controlled by high-level satanists and witches who have obtained great power through their rituals accompanied by human sacrifices.
Most Christians know little or nothing about the spiritual power of the enemy and are ill equipped to deal with it. Yet even the least of these brethren have more power than the most powerful satanist in the world, because it does not depend upon their own strength. They simply have to know who they are and to fight the enemy through the blood of Jesus Christ.
I thank God that in recent years He has been raising up a spiritual army that is equipped and trained in the art of spiritual warfare. This army was prophesied in 2001 by some of the prophets here in America, and this army was compared to Gideon’s army.
The Satanic Temple has gathered in Scottsdale, Arizona this weekend for their largest public convention in history. I do not believe that this is a coincidence that they would meet between the tenth day of the month (selection day for the Passover lamb) and Passover itself on the 14th.
Although we should be aware of who they are and what they are doing, we think it is more important for them to know who WE are and what WE are doing through Christ. We pray that many of them will get tired of losing and come to see that real power is through the blood of Jesus Christ.