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Note: This blog post is part of a series titled "The saints prepare to rule." To view all parts, click the link below.
In January of 2016, as we were receiving revelation about the dry bones being raised from the dead (Ezekiel 37), God had already shown me earlier that we were in a season of resurrection. We were also seeing how the prophet Jonah spoke into the events of that season.
In fact, I was instructed to go on a 40-day partial fast from December 18, 2015, which ended January 27, 2016. It was not a total fast, but I was instructed to treat it as a fast. My fast concluded at the end of the 76-day cycle that year which had begun on November 13, 2015. Hence, I fasted the last 40 days of the 76-day cleansing cycle.
The Jonah Revelation of 1983
The last time I had done something in the last 40 days of a 76-day cycle was in 1983, when I was being resurrected from that first death period after being “crucified” at Last Cruces (December 1981). Recall that I was “raised from the dead” a year later, so that I could say that my soul was not abandoned in hades (Acts 2:31).
The revelation in 1983 about this 40-day cycle was given to me from Jonah 3:4, “Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” Though I did not understand what He was telling me, I soon discovered that I was to make a trip to reconcile with those who had “crucified” me. I wrote letters asking to see them in person, and my invitation letter arrived February 28, 1983. This is when the 40-day Jonah cycle began.
I began my trip ten days later on March 10 and returned home April 9. It was a 30-day trip within a 40-day period within a 76-day cycle.
Keep in mind that this trip took place very early in my new walk with God. I knew little about timing in those days. A 76-day cycle meant nothing to me then. It would be another 12 years before I would understand how Jonah fulfilled the law of the two doves in Leviticus 14 and how these two doves prophesied of the two works of Christ. Further, I had not yet made the connection between my name (Jones) and Jonah, or Jonas (Greek spelling).
I was just getting started in 1983. Having been “dead” for a year, I was like a clean slate that God was using to write a new prophetic story—a parable, as it were, revealing the second work of Christ through Jonah’s second call (Jonah 3:1, 2). Years later, as the story unfolded, I came to realize that I had been raised a new creature, a new man, and that I could never go back to the old way of life. The page had turned, and I was forever changed.
Winter Storm Jonas (January 22, 23, 2016)
When God led me to do a partial fast for 40 days from December 18, 2015 to January 27, 2016, I knew that this was somehow connected to Jonah and to the similar pattern in 1983. Yet this Jonah connection was unclear until Winter Storm Jonas threatened Washington D.C. in late January. It struck Washington on the weekend of January 22 and 23.
I do not know who actually names these storms, but they tend to prophesy unwittingly. God is so sovereign that He does not even need believers to prophesy His word. He can use everyone equally well. Of course, it is much more pleasurable when those who prophesy actually know what they are doing. But when they prophesy in ignorance, we can smile at God’s way of showing His sovereignty, as we see the confirmation of His word.
Snow and hail are prophetic hints of spiritual warfare. In Job 38:22, 23 God asks,
22 Have you entered the storehouses of the snow, or have you seen the storehouses of the hail, 23 which I have reserved for the time of distress, for the day of war and battle?
Winter Storm Jonas suggested that Washington D.C. was our “Nineveh,” and that this also prophesied a national repentance, even as Jonah’s Nineveh repented in his day. Of course, 2016 was still too early for such a transformation, and prophecy, by definition, speaks of things yet to come. So we took this storm as a prophecy that God is engaging in spiritual warfare against the criminals in our government and will prevail against them in His time.
Note: This blog post is part of a series titled "The saints prepare to rule." To view all parts, click the link below.