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There are many who are very glad that 2020 is past, hoping to start a better new year. They look back on the so-called pandemic and the deliberate destruction of the world’s economy and believe that it has to get better in 2021.
The Indignation
Though travel has been somewhat restricted in the past year, we actually had a very good year. We saw quite early that we were to follow the instruction in Isaiah 26:20, 21,
20 Come, my people, enter into your rooms and close your doors behind you; hide for a little while until indignation runs its course. 21 For behold, the Lord is about to come out from His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; and the earth will reveal her bloodshed and will no longer cover her slain.
The purpose for hiding “for a little while” is comparable to Israel remaining indoors during the first Passover, when the angel was about to pass through the land and kill the firstborn of Egypt who were not covered by the blood of the lamb (Exodus 12:12, 13). This judgment is not designed to harm us but to judge the oppressors as God sets us free from the bondage of Mystery Babylon. Meanwhile, we have to endure some restrictions in our travel that inconvenience us to some extent. That is all.
Yet I believe we are now about to experience a new exodus. We have prepared our hearts for this by claiming Sarah as our mother and repudiating Hagar, the bondwoman from Egypt. Everyone will benefit to some extent from the exodus that is coming, but only New Covenant believers will receive the greatest benefit.
As the story of Israel shows us, you can take Israel out of Egypt, but how do you take Egypt out of Israel? Even after they were set free, they complained, they reverted to the gods of Egypt (golden calf), and they wished they could return to slavery. It requires a heart change to really fulfill the exodus as God intends.
I expect to do a lot of travel in 2021 and beyond, because “the indignation” is now about to destroy the system of bondage. This is God’s work, and in that sense it does not matter who does the dirty work here on earth. God takes the credit for it, because He is the One who empowers men to execute His judgments.
A few days ago, President Trump said that on January 1 “something big” will happen. He said that the documents had already been signed and that hardly anyone knew about it. So far today I have not heard what that is. We do know, however, that the BREXIT finally takes effect today. The deal was made on December 24, and it takes effect today. But it is doubtful that this is the event that Trump was referring to. We will have to watch the news today.
Books and Tracts Being Translated
A month ago I posted a picture of my newly-translated book, The Biblical Meaning of Numbers from One to Forty, which a pastor in Pakistan had translated into Urdu and printed for distribution to the pastors and seminaries in Pakistan. The type style (font) is unusual, so we have not yet been able to post it on the website, but we are working on that problem. We may have to just post it in pdf format, if all else fails.
Anyway, the first edition of 1,000 copies ran out quickly, and so I sent him the money to reprint another 1,000 copies. These should be finished this month. Meanwhile, he is translating Jonah, Prophet of Restoration into Urdu and will then distribute that book in Pakistan. He told me that there are no Christian books in Urdu, the local language. There are English books, but to really teach the people, books need to be in their own language. So my books seem to be the first of their kind.
The Jonah book is of interest to them, because ancient Nineveh is now called Mosul (in Iraq). You may have seen the name in the news in the past 20 years. So the people in the region have a special affinity to the prophet Jonah. He was the first missionary bringing the gospel of Christ to that region. Interestingly enough, Jonah defines the restoration of all things, so the “good news” of the gospel is about to hit Pakistan and northern India, where Urdu is spoken.
The pastor is also translating the tracts into Urdu, so it appears that Pakistan is about to be the first country outside the USA to be given the principles of New Covenant evangelism that is based on the restoration of all things. I will be interested in seeing how that goes. If they really understand the New Covenant message, this could be a real game changer.
A Fresh Move of the Spirit
Meanwhile, I have been in touch with leaders in the underground church in a prominent Mideast country. Given my calling to the Muslim world (1986 revelation), it appears that this is finally coming to fruition. If you have read my book, The Wars of the Lord, you might be able to guess which country or countries are starting to open up. But right now I don’t want to jeopardize them by saying too much.
Just know that the news is all good, the indignation is almost finished, and God is preparing the world for a fresh move of the Spirit that is based on the New Covenant gospel. I am looking forward to 2021 with great anticipation.