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Voter fraud has probably been in the world since the Greeks invented Democracy. If any city or country practiced it earlier, no doubt they too had a problem with voter fraud. So we are no exception here in America, where we often like to think that we are immune to such things.
While the Deep State controlled elections (prior to 2016), there were complaints, but neither party did anything about it, because the leaders of both parties knew that the election results were decided ahead of time by the rulers of Babylon. In 2016 it was promised to Hillary Clinton, so she was in a state of shock and disbelief when she lost the election. She never did accept defeat, and within minutes of the election, her fellow Deep Staters immediately began working on an impeachment plan.
The mid-term elections in 2018 continued the voter fraud. But by this time, Q had been posting for close to a year, beginning October 28, 2017. Q then posed some interesting questions, giving us clues as to plans for cleaning up the next election in 2020. Q outlines a plan to entrap the “D” party in their own fraud.
November 11, 2018
1-Election + D party officials filled out many thousands of blank ballots?
2-Election + D party officials removed and destroyed 'legal' ballots?
3-Election + D party officials deliberately organized non-citizen voting?
4-Election + D party officials in [XX] locations across the US [under lock & key] stored many thousands of 'blank' ballots for purposes of 'altering the vote total'?
Who safeguards 'blank' ballots?
Who issues 'blank' ballots?
Who controls 'blank' ballots?
How many 'blank' ballots are generated vs. total county pop?
Why did the same counties [under dispute today] REFUSE to turn over voter registration information upon request to the Voter Fraud Commission?
Why was the Voter Fraud Commission disbanded and turned over to DHS?
What vested auth does DHS have compared to a commission body?
Q anticipated “thousands of blank ballots,” and their “control and issuance” if KEY. (This may be an early reference to the Keystone State, which is Pennsylvania.) Q says that in the 2018 election, the Democrat-controlled counties refused to turn over voter registration information to the Voter Fraud Commission. So the Commission was “disbanded and turned over to DHS,” that is, the Department of Homeland Security (in anticipation of the next election in 2020).
After the 2018 election, someone asked Q, “Will voter fraud be exposed before January?” Q responded on December 12, 2018,
2019 push Voter ID based on verifiable intel (fraud).
2020+ safeguarded.
In other words, there was a plan to safeguard the 2020 election (and thereafter). Now that the 2020 election has happened, a fuller picture is now emerging. It seems that new technology is being implemented by the DHS to ensure the elimination of voter fraud. This technology was first utilized in Pakistan in 2018, where the government put watermarks on the ballots to make it far more difficult to print fraudulent ballots.
Last August reports began to come out that the DHS secretly printed up official ballots with a watermark in order to catch the fraudsters when they printed up identical ballots without the required watermark. If these reports are correct, the trap will be sprung. Already, there are calls for recounts, and if fraudulent ballots are exposed (in Pennsylvania?), demands will be made to recount the ballots in more states—maybe even in all the states.
Of course, they would have to use special machines that can scan the watermarks, and it is said that the National Guard will do the counting. We will see.
Meanwhile, on election night, Donald Trump was winning quite easily until late at night when election officials decided to take an unprecedented nap for 6 hours. When they returned, they found that many more ballots had arrived. Boxes and boxes of them had ballots that voted exclusively for Joe Biden. Suddenly, Joe Biden was winning the election, as if by magic or by unbelievably good fortune.
Trump, of course, cried foul. I think he knew of the trap that had been set, and so he knew that he had to call for recounts.
Perhaps, too, he remembered Joe Biden’s earlier statement (a Freudian slip perhaps?), which someone used in a meme:
The “sting” operation had been carefully planned for years, and the fraudsters fell into the trap.
The election turnout was a new record. Many states were reporting more than 100 percent turnout, which is probably more than any Democracy can handle.
Here is Fox News reporting on Minnesota’s record turnout.
Poll watchers in Michigan noticed how ballots were being transported to the counters at 4:00 a.m.
Reports say that 183,339 new ballots came in after the election officials decided to go to bed before finishing their work. All of these ballots were for Joe Biden. The odds of that are astronomical, comparable to the theory of evolution being true. Someone calculated the odds of this and wrote: “the probability of randomly picking 183,339 Biden votes in a row would be on the order of 1 chance in 1 x 1079.” If I recall from high school science class, I think that number is more than the number of atoms in the entire universe.
Also, 140,000 new ballots were “found” in Wisconsin between 3:30 and 4:30 a.m., all for Joe Biden, none for Trump.
A million new ballots were discovered in Pennsylvania between 2:00 and 4:00 a.m., all for Joe Biden, none for Trump.
Some, of course, were simply crumpled up and discarded.
120-year-old Michigan resident, June Aiken, voted. She is amazing. Also, 118-year-old William Bradley voted, although Bradley died in 1984. Donna Brydges, born in 1901 also voted. But the oldest by far was Jason Lemoyne Daniel, an elderly gentleman who was born in 1850. At 170 years of age, he must be of Himalayan descent.
Wow, they live a long time in Flint, Michigan. Must be the water. Perhaps we should all move there.
Meanwhile, boxes of ballots were discarded along the highway. No doubt these were unwanted Trump ballots.
Biden supporters, however, were faithful to transport acceptable ballots to be counted. What could possibly go wrong there?
Another question: Who owns the software used to count the ballots?
Eric Trump posted this screenshot from the Securities and Exchange Commission, showing that Avid Technology, Inc. owns the Services Prepackaged Software, and that 60% of the company is owned by Blum Family Partners:
So who owns Blum Family Partners? Senator Diane Feinstein (D) is the “family,” as shown in the upper left corner of the screenshot below.
When this is more generally known, I think it will provide a compelling reason to do something different. I think it will justify putting future elections on the blockchain system.
It appears that the DHS allowed the 2020 election to proceed as usual in order to provide the public with such overwhelming evidence of fraud that they will demand a change.
Tucker Carlson, commentator on Fox News, had a very revealing commentary on the election. YouTube censored it, which is the stamp of truth, but you can see it on Bit-Chute here: