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I have written often of the Dominion Mandate that God took away from the kings of Judah and gave to Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, for a period of “seven times.”
The 2020 election has uncovered the manner in which Mystery Babylon has controlled elections worldwide for many years through the Dominion software in the voting machines. This software was developed specifically for use in Venezuela to ensure that President Hugo Chavez would always win elections. After him came President Maduro who has retained power through the Dominion software by rigging the votes.
Then it was used in Argentina and other countries. It was then brought to America for use in the US elections. This is what is now being exposed, and I believe this software prophetically represents the unlawful manner in which Mystery Babylon has used the Dominion Mandate.
Nonetheless, the courts of heaven transferred the Dominion to the saints of the Most High in 2017. The 2020 election is the first since this transfer took place. We now have the authority to exercise proper Dominion and to negate Babylon’s attempted fraud in the 2020 election.
Here is a 10-minute video from Newsmax interviewing Sidney Powell, who speaks of the evidence coming out about the use of the Dominion software.
By the way, Fox News exposed itself on election night. It is owned by the Deep State and was created to lead the conservative movement and limit its effectiveness. The plan since Karl Marx has been to divide and conquer, while controlling both sides of any debate. The Deep State had to call in all of its underground forces in order to get the Trump supporters to concede victory to Joe Biden. In doing so, Fox News only succeeded in exposing its Deep State owners.
I recommend that you get your television news from Newsmax. It is an excellent source of news. While Fox News ratings have fallen 57% since the election, Newsmax has gone up from 100,000 to more than a million in just two weeks. Let’s make Newsmax the most watched news source and help defund the Deep State.