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The political battle for control of the world has now reached its final phase before the losers in Babylon call for a full-scale revolution. In this battle, the so-called Social Media—really, the Socialist Media—is going all in, as they censor viewpoints that are unfavorable to them. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have now banned just about everyone that is worth listening to.
The recent disclosures about the Biden crime family are being banned for political reasons. On the health front, one cannot even quote the CDC or the WHO website if the quotation does not promote lockdowns and face masks. Any anti-Socialist commentator is banned on the slightest pretext. We have finally reached the level of censorship and book-burning that is a way of life in China today and was also practiced in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.
In April of 2019 Hunter Biden’s laptop was brought to a repair shop, and the repairman found a lot of evidence of unlawful activity, including pedophilia. If the people were to learn of this, it would have a negative effect on the presidential campaign of his father, Joe Biden. So Facebook and Twitter immediately banned all references to this evidence.
Ben Garrison’s cartoon says it all:
Nazis and Communists were the traditional ideologies that fought each other. While many have portrayed these as “right wing” and “left wing,” their goals were the same. The goal was total control (Totalitarianism). The Nazi Party was the National Socialist Party, while the Communist Party was the International Socialist Party. Both goals were Socialist Totalitarianism.
As in the USSR during the 20th century and as in China today, the Socialist ideology would be rejected were it not for the government’s total control over the people. Total control is necessary for “national security,” which is a euphemism for preventing the people from hindering the government’s ability to do as it wishes with impunity. The Chinese people themselves are very dissatisfied with the ideology and policies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
That is why they are acting so aggressively toward their neighbors. They fear an internal revolt and a loss of power. That is what motivated them to invade Hong Kong, breaking the agreement of 1997 when the UK returned the city to China. That is what made them usurp power over the coral reefs that were part of the Philippines. That is what made them redraw the map, claiming ownership of the seas claimed by the Philippines, Vietnam, and Japan. China has become the bully of Asia and will threaten anyone who gets in their way.
If China ever gets enough military power to dominate the world, their intent is to export their Communist ideology to the rest of the world. This was the openly-stated goal of Karl Marx, and it was the well-known policy of the USSR in the last century. When the USSR fell thirty years ago, China took the leadership in the spread of Communism.
Of course, understand that although there have been Communist Parties in most countries since the 1800’s, there has been no true Communist Nation. Communism is the goal, but none so far have achieved that goal. The means to that goal, as they have always acknowledged, is Socialism.
The Dispute among Socialists
There are two methods to establish Socialism: by military might or by a “soft” approach. This dispute between Socialists dates back to the 1800’s when the movement split between the militant Communists and the softer, gradual approach advocated by the Fabian Socialists. The Fabian Society was founded in 1884. Its logo was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
The Wikipedia says,
The Fabian Society was named—at the suggestion of Frank Podmore—in honour of the Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus (nicknamed Cunctator, meaning the "Delayer").[7] His Fabian strategy sought gradual victory against the superior Carthaginian army under the renowned general Hannibal through persistence, harassment, and wearing the enemy down by attrition rather than pitched, climactic battles.
The Fabians wanted a more gradual approach to establishing Socialism, but the goal was the same as the hardliners who wanted to force it upon the nations all at once. So the USSR (and later, China, Cuba, North Korea, etc.) fomented a revolution in 1917 to force Russia and its neighboring nations to form a new state called the USSR, “Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.”
Meanwhile, the West followed the Fabian Society’s slow approach. The little sheep did not realize that the big “sheep” was actually a wolf pretending to be a sheep. Most Christians never heard of the Fabian Society, nor were they aware of its logo, so they failed to take heed to Jesus’ warning in Matthew 7:15, 16,
15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits…
Early Prayer Campaigns
The USSR’s militant approach began to fail on its 70th anniversary (1917-1987) when President Gorbachev gave his anniversary speech to the Supreme Soviet in 1987. This marked the beginning of the end of a 70-year captivity under which the Russian people themselves suffered. We noted this at the time, since I was very active in the prayer campaigns and spiritual warfare that had targeted the USSR’s oppression. Our warfare, especially in 1986, gave us hope and confidence that the captivity of the Christians in Russia—and all Russians—was soon coming to an end.
Those prayer campaigns were directed at a spiritual entity that we called Wormwood, which ruled Russia at the time. Yet we also understood that the battle was not over, because Wormwood simply moved to America, empowering the American presidents thereafter to bring Totalitarian control to America (beginning with George Bush, Sr.).
One of the main results of this was that the USA began to finance the rise of China, and soon we saw major corporations moving to China in preparation for the Chinese Century. The plan was for China to dominate the 21st century and bring all nations once and for all into Socialist Communism.
The Full End of the Beast Systems
Their plan, however, was not to succeed, because this was just the final phase of Mystery Babylon, which in turn was the end-game of the entire succession of “beast” empires that had begun with Babylon in the days of the prophet Daniel. Babylon was a winged lion (Daniel 7:4); Persia was a bear (Daniel 7:5); Greece was a leopard (Daniel 7:6); Rome was a nameless iron beast (Daniel 7:7), along with its religious “horn” (i.e., extension). We now see that the wolf in sheep’s clothing is the final manifestation of the beast system of Mystery Babylon.
We knew that the beast nations had been given 2,520 years (“seven times,” or 7 x 360 years) in which to rule the earth on account of the sins of Jerusalem.
Hence, from the fall of Jerusalem in 604 B.C. to the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1917 was precisely 2,520 years. Then the Russians went into their 70-year captivity to 1987, which was the 120th Jubilee year from Adam. (See Secrets of Time.) At the time, we did not know about the missing century (163-63 B.C.) when Jerusalem was ruled by the Maccabees as an independent nation, thus depriving the third “beast” government of a hundred years on its 2,520-year contract.
It was only in 2013 that it was revealed that the missing century had to be added to 1917 to fulfill God’s legal contract with the beast nations. Thus, the beast contract fully ended in 2017 during the presidency of Donald Trump. This president, then, reversed the course of America under the slogan: Make America Great Again. It put the Fabian Socialists on notice that their move to make China great was ending with his presidency.
This, of course, caused a great controversy, and the battle is now coming to a climax. Both sides know that the outcome of the 2020 election will determine the future of America and the world for the next thousand years. Either the Fabians will succeed in creating a Socialist World, or Trump and his team will succeed in his vow that “America will never be a Socialist country.”
The Emerging Kingdom
We, of course, believe that the Kingdom of God will emerge in the end. We will not be Socialist, but neither will we be of Saul’s Kingdom. We will not be a Christian nation as defined by King Saul’s reign; we will instead be a Kingdom nation as defined by David’s reign, ruled by Jesus Christ.
Actually, we will be going beyond David to Joseph, for we are in the time of the second work of Christ. His first work was a Judah work, as He was born in Bethlehem of the tribe of Judah. His second work, however, is a Joseph work, which supersedes that of Judah. Recall that Joseph’s dream prophesied that all the sons of Jacob (and their tribes) would bow down to Joseph (Genesis 37:6-10). Judah ruled Israel; Joseph rules the world.
When we know the divine plan that has been prophesied from the beginning, we can be confident that God is preparing the world for the Kingdom. We are currently in a time of preparation, where Mystery Babylon is falling and where the Deep State is being exposed. Once that happens, we will probably first return to a Constitutional Republic that our forefathers tried to establish.
But it will not end there. The world is coming into Blessed Time in 2024, and I believe that the Holy Spirit will be poured out in a massive way that will thrust us into the Kingdom itself. The Jubilee, which we declared in 1996 and made retroactive to 1986 by the Hezekiah Factor, will then take root.
The 38-year delay from 1986-2024 is based on the pattern of Israel in the wilderness after the 10 spies gave an evil report. Israel was sentenced to another 38 years in the wilderness after refusing to enter the Kingdom (Deuteronomy 2:14). Their refusal occurred at the 50th Jubilee from Adam, and they entered Canaan 38 years late. Seventy Jubilees later, at the 120th Jubilee from Adam, we too were delayed in 1986, but we are now ready to enter the Kingdom 38 years later in 2024.
If you did not listen to my presentation at the online Tabernacles conference about the importance of 2024, you may listen to it here: