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The eclipse on August 21, 2017 crossed over seven towns and cities named “Salem.” The trajectory of the eclipse coming in 2024 will cross the path of the 2017 eclipse at Carbondale, Illinois, located in the area known as “Little Egypt.” The two will form a cross over America.
Judgment on the Old Jerusalem
I wrote about the first eclipse that occurred on August 21, 2017 here:
In my view the eclipse over the seven Salems speaks of judgment coming upon the earthly, fleshly Jerusalem in order to allow the heavenly Jerusalem to bring forth the inheritors of the Kingdom.
Birth of the New Jerusalem
A second celestial event took place the next month on September 23, 2017. Whereas the first event was an eclipse—therefore, a negative omen—I believe the second signified a positive event. I wrote about it here:
Keep in mind that the sign on September 23 of the Virgin giving birth to the King (that is, the King’s planet, Jupiter) is a sign of a coming event. It is not the event itself. When you see a road sign, it tells you what to expect down the road. Jupiter was called Zedek by the Jews. Zedek is “righteousness.” Jerusalem was called the City of Zedek, or the City of Righteousness (Isaiah 1:26). It is actually the New Jerusalem that is the City of Righteousness, because the old city, being carnal, failed to fulfill that calling.
Therefore, the sign in the heavens that is coming this week is a sign of the birth of the New Jerusalem as well as the second appearance of Christ as the King of Righteousness and the King of Salem (Hebrews 7:1, 2). On August 21 we saw a solar eclipse pass over seven cities called “Salem” from the west coast to the east coast. That sign signified the demise of the old Jerusalem, and now the September 23 sign is about the rise of the New Jerusalem.
2017- 2024
It appears that the eclipse of 2017 was the start of a countdown the culminates with the eclipse in 2024. As for the year 2024, I wrote about it a few weeks later on October 9, 2017:
I suspect that in the long term, we are looking at a 7-year period of great changes. This 7-year cycle is suggested by the two solar eclipses that will occur 7 years apart. The first occurred on August 21, 2017, which plunged seven “Salems” into darkness across America. The second will occur on April 8, 2024, crossing the path of the first eclipse in southern Illinois.
I followed up on this topic on November 29, 2017, talking about the 76-year cycle from 1948-2024.
In the long term, we must also consider a longer transition of six years to 2023-2024. Why? Because as I showed in Secrets of Time, the Israeli state was established on Cursed Time after 8 x 414 years, and this may require 76 years thereafter to reach Blessed Time (414 plus 76 is 490).
If the Israeli state repents and declares Jesus Christ to be King, they will be cleansed and spared the destruction of Jerusalem. The prophets do not hold out any hope for such repentance, so I believe that the final judgment will occur in 2024. This is according to the principle found in Matthew 18:21-24, where the accounts are settled after a 70 x 7 “forgiveness” cycle.
Sometimes judgment occurs after 414 days or years, sometimes after 434 days or years, but sometimes judgment occurs after 490 days or years. The main example of a 490-year cycle was when Jesus died 490 years after the Edict of Artaxerxes, according to the prophecy in Daniel 9:24-26, which I explained further in Secrets of Time. In that case, Jesus took the judgment upon Himself to pay for the sin of the world.
In 2024 we reach the end of Canaan’s cycle of 70 Jubilees (or 7 x 490 years). Canaan represents the world, as I have shown recently, so it appears that Jerusalem’s final end coincides with the salvation of the world in 2024.
490 Years from 1534-2024
In another way of looking at it, there are 490 years from 1534-2024. It traces back to 47 A.D., when Paul began his ministry and to 64 A.D., when Nero caused the great fire of Rome. He used this as an excuse to persecute the Christians. This is a bit more complex and obscure than the other time cycles, but in The Revelation, Book 4, chapter 1, I wrote about this:
In 64 A.D. the great fire of Rome caused Nero to blame the Christians, when in fact he had set the fire himself. If we add three periods of 490 years to this date, we come to the year 1534, which was not only the date of England’s Act of Supremacy, but was also when the Jesuit Order was established by Ignatius Loyola. This soon led to the “counter-reformation,” when Rome’s Jesuits took the lead in persecuting the breakaway Protestants.
Hence, these two dates, 1517 and 1534 are considered by historians to be the primary dates for the beginnings of the Protestant Reformation. Being 3 x 490 years after Paul’s ministry and the start of Roman persecution adds weight to this.
And, of course, the fourth period of 490 years extends from 1517 to 2007 and from 1534 to 2024. It appears that 2007-2024 marks some kind of a transition for the church, even as Paul’s ministry marked a transition for the church in the first century.
We will probably have to wait until 2024 to get a complete picture and to know how to interpret these cycles. For now, this is the best I can do.