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Dr. Jones' has updated his book "How to Be an Overcomer", and the cover has been updated!
Those of you who had purchased How to Be an Overcomer recently may have noticed the delivery time has taken longer. The reason for this is we were waiting for the new versions to be printed, so there should be no more delay!
Read it for free, or purchase the print version below. (Kindle version will be updated within a week)
Four basic lessons and an epilogue on what the Bible teaches about being an overcomer.
$4.00Dr. Jones' latest book "Theology of the Logos" sold out quite quickly after the first shipment, so we had a few on backorder. But, the new shipment has arrived! So there should be no more delay.
In addition, Theology of the Logos is now live on Amazon Kindle (Click here to see book on Kindle). We ran into some issues with the software we used to format our Kindle books, which is why it's taken this book longer than usual to be available on Kindle. The issue has been fixed now, and there should be no more delays!
Read it for free, or purchase the print version below.
This book answers the big questions that theologians have debated for many centuries in regard to the origin and nature of Christ. We start with the foundational issue of the virgin birth of Christ and the incarnation of Christ and then move on to the idea of the image of God and Christ's pre-existence. All of this leads to the Father-Son relationship and the discussion about the Godhead.