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Is the coronavirus an act of divine judgment? So said a Shi’ite Islamic scholar on February 28, just before he came down with the virus himself. Hmm, karma perhaps?
Shi'ite Iraqi Islamic scholar Hadi Al-Modarresi, who is based in Qom, Iran, said in a video that was uploaded to the Internet on February 28, 2020 that the spread of coronavirus is undoubtedly an act of Allah that is divine punishment against the Chinese for their treatment, mockery, and disrespect towards Muslims and Islam. In early March, online sources reported that Al-Modarresi contracted coronavirus.
If this is divine judgment, then it is clear that Islamic people are getting it on account of their persecution of Christians.
"Boko Haram has killed more Christians in Nigeria than ISIS killed in Iraq and Syria combined. Not many people know that," Wolf points out, "but it has. They're committing genocide. Genocide." Then there are the Fulani militants, he goes on, committing "crimes against humanity." Together, they're creating the most dangerous terrorism in the world. And we're getting to the point where the situation could completely unravel. "We need a plan," Frank insisted.
These Islamists always quote their koran to justify their killing, rape, and mutilations of non-Islamics, especially of Christians. As soon as their potential victims confess to being Christians, it is permitted to treat them in any manner they please in the name of Allah.
This is what would come to America if Islam ever became dominant in this country. It is not that all Muslims would do this, but we only need a tiny minority of them to wreak havoc in any country. When the Obama administration opened up the door to unlimited Muslim immigration and put huge numbers of Muslims into administrative positions in government, a new era of divine judgment was unleashed against carnal Christendom.
Revelation 9 is all about the rise of Islam, as I showed in my studies of the book of Revelation. Its root cause was divine judgment for a corrupt church that refused to repent. I do not see that this has changed even today. There are many forms of divine judgment, all of which will continue and increase until the church repents of its lawlessness. The problem has never been that we have too many pagans in America or too few believers in Christ. The problem has always been the lawless condition of the church.
The remedy is the same as it was at the beginning of time. The church needs to take a break from its evangelism and start studying the law, so that they know what to repent of and so that they don’t continue to spawn more lawless believers that perpetuate the spiritual problem.