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Unreliable Coronavirus Statistics
The coronavirus statistics have very limited value. If they had been able to determine how many people actually had contracted coronavirus and then if they were able to know how many of these had died, the statistics might then have value.
Unfortunately, they count only those who have been tested positive, and the testing kits have just now been sent out. That means the numbers are meaningless, first because without proper testing, they can hardly distinguish coronavirus from another type of flu, and secondly, because only a tiny portion of the people who come down with “flu-like symptoms” ever go to the hospital for testing.
Now that testing kits have been sent out, expect the number of cases to rise much faster. It is not that coronavirus is limited to just a few cities. It is rather that it has not yet been diagnosed. The coronavirus is probably already in every city and is no more containable than any other flu.
In China, reports indicate that most coronavirus deaths went unreported, because most of the dead never made it to the hospital for testing. Their bodies were put into trucks and hauled off to mass graves and later to incinerators. None of them were tested, so they did not make the statistics. Hence, they could say without technically lying that only a few hundred cases of coronavirus have been confirmed.
The real question is how many of the dead did they actually test for coronavirus?
I think at this point the coronavirus is beyond our ability to quarantine. That doesn’t mean that various cities won’t quarantine its inhabitants, of course. I’m just saying that such quarantines won’t do much to contain it.
The inability of government to stop this is clear from past experience. That means you have to take responsibility for your own health. Remember the hurricanes. Some things overwhelm the government’s ability to be of help, in which case you don’t want to be caught up in the web of government help. With Hurricane Katrina, people were quarantined and even shot if they tried to leave New Orleans. Those quarantined were put into a stadium—which overwhelmed the toilets and virtually destroyed the stadium.
Those most vulnerable are the elderly and anyone else with a compromised immune system. If you have had chemotherapy, your immune system is practically non-existent, because chemo was designed to destroy it.
The same is true for vaccines, which, since the early 1980’s have included toxic levels of mercury and aluminum. In the case of baby vaccines, the mercury level is 25 times the toxic level, according to the government’s own recommendations.
Mercury and aluminum quickly compromise people’s immune system. Who knows what they will put into the coronavirus vaccines when they come out later? Years ago the government exempted drug companies from liability for their vaccines, and the drug companies have capitalized on this by not bothering to test them properly, even though they claim to do such testing. Robert Kennedy has sued them in court for this under the Freedom of Information Act.
The excuse is that vaccines have to be used quickly to counter present-day sickness. If it had to go through the rigorous testing procedures, it might take years, and by that time the viruses have mutated. I understand that argument, but it also means that vaccines are not really being tested beyond a minimum amount of time.
Every area of life has become dominated by Mystery Babylon: banking, education, justice, politics, religion, technology, transportation, financial markets—and science is no exception. There are good people in every profession that have managed to fight the Babylonian system, but most of them have been maligned and discredited by the Babylonians who run the system.
Financial Markets
In the last 2 weeks we saw a huge increase in the volatility of the Dow. From a high of over 29,000 on February 23, it has lost more than 5,000 points as of today.
February 24: Dow drops 1,031 points.
February 25: Dow drops 879 points.
February 26: Dow drops 100 points.
February 27: Dow drops 1,190 points.
February 28: Dow drops 357 points.
March 2: Dow up 1,293 points.
March 3: Dow drops 786 points.
March 4: Down up 1,173 points.
March 5: Dow drops 969 points.
March 6 Dow drops 256 points.
March 9 (today) Dow drops 2,013 points to 23,851.
Such wild swings are unprecedented. I read many years ago that the Dow is like a giant. When you see the giant sway back and forth, you know that you are about to see a spectacular collapse. It used to be that when the markets went up or down 100 points, it was considered very volatile. Now the “new normal” is a 1000-point swing, and today will probably set a new all-time record.
This indicates that we are entering into a new financial era. The Fed met in an emergency meeting on March 3 and lowered interest rates a half percentage point. They will be having their regularly-scheduled meeting on March 17-18 and will probably lower the rates again. This only underscores the underlying problem in the current financial system.
There is a new financial system coming soon, but to make the switch requires a crisis to convince the people that we need it. We have known for many years that the Central Bank system has reached its apex and that the nations no longer have the money to sustain interest-bearing debt. We used to be able to pay 6-8% interest, but now we can no longer afford even 2% without bankruptcy. That is the point where the system must collapse, a Jubilee must be declared, and we must hit the “reset” button.
Financial experts have known about this for a long time and have prepared for it. Not many read their report, of course, because the average person doesn’t want to take the time to read such things, nor do they understand financial terminology.
When interest rates go to zero, the Fed will become irrelevant. When the price of oil drops to a low point, the petro-dollar will become irrelevant. Both will be replaced. Your Federal Reserve Notes will be traded in for new interest-free Treasury Dollars owned by the government and no longer by the Rothschild bankers.
The volatility that we are seeing is not a disaster; it is an answer to prayer for all who have been praying for God’s release from bondage and for the Kingdom to be established. Present-day signs show that we are one step closer to seeing this as a reality. Those who believe that Babylon is arising are ready for heart attacks and apoplectic fits; but those of us who believe that Babylon is falling have the assurance of faith that the Kingdom is rising simultaneously.
No doubt there will be bumps along the way, but have faith that God knows who you are and what your situation is. He will protect you and guide you in turbulent times. Stay close to Him, and it will be alright. As Jesus advised His disciples in Luke 21:28, when they would see the Roman armies coming to destroy Jerusalem,
28 But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.