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Brother Vinnie and his family have sold their house and are expected to be on the road by the end of May or early June to begin a new traveling ministry. God has confirmed this to him, to Joy, to one of his children, and to others.
Vinnie is at his best as a street evangelist. Here is a video sharing their story….
Dear Friends, Family and Kingdom Saints,
My wife Joy and I are super excited to share this video we made below on how God sovereignly and so supernaturally, with such prophetic detail, confirmed the selling of our house and possessions and jumping into full time missions without knowing where we will permanently move to. So far all we can see is this precious First Nations tribe (Tsay Keh Dene) in NW B.C Canada, possibly the rest of Canada, New York, then Lord willing, Italy.
I know that you will be blown away by the love and goodness of God as you watch below. HE is in total control!
We will be getting our website launched soon!
Much love in Christ,
PS: If you'd like to be taken off this list, please email me and I will do so. Also, I am transitioning to using my gmail address, [email protected]. So, if you see emails coming from there you will know it is me. Lastly, if you do Facebook, please like us and follow us at Imperial Family Ministries.