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The signs around me in the past few weeks all confirm that July 15, 2017 was a turning point insofar as the 9th miracle-sign of Elisha is concerned. My conclusion is that this date is confirmed to be the start of the second half (double portion) of the Elisha ministry. It did not happen in an expected way, but that in itself is not unusual.
Some time ago, on November 13 and 14, 2013, I taught at a conference at Lake Sebu on the island of Mindanao ["land of promise" or "Promised Land"] in the Philippines. That was the occasion where I was expected to “feed 100 pastors” who came for the two-day seminar. I wrote about it here:
Recall that super typhoon Haiyon hit the Philippines while I was there, and our plane literally flew over the typhoon as it hit the central islands.
You may also want to re-read this report:
The point is that when I was invited to hold a conference/seminar to teach 100 pastors, I knew that this was a sign of the feeding of the 5,000 in John 6, just before Jesus sent the disciples into a super typhoon on the Sea of Galilee. The fourth sign in John is when Jesus fed the 5,000, and the 5th sign is when He walked on the water. These two signs appear back to back as the centerpiece of the 8 signs in John.
When Jesus fed the 5,000 with 5 barley loaves and 2 fish, it was the New Testament equivalent to the 9th sign of Elisha, who fed 100 men with 20 barley loaves. In both cases, there were leftovers. So when I was asked to feed 100 pastors, I saw it as the 9th sign of Elisha (2 Kings 4:42-44).
However, my question was: “What about the storm on the lake?” After all, I was going to teach at Lake Sebu, a name which means “walking on water.” So when super typhoon Haiyon hit the Philippines as our plane was passing over it (from Manila to Davao City), I knew that this was part of the story.
All of that appeared to be the fulfillment of the 9th sign of Elisha (as well as the 4th and 5th sign in John). But still, the provision to launch the world-wide ministry was elusive. So I assumed that the Philippine trip was not its fulfillment.
But now I see things in a little different light. First, I received clear indications that July 9 would see the 9th sign of Elisha. These signs continued over the past week end, and showed up again this morning when I was invited to by a young man to go with him to Ethiopia. He just learned from his father that he is a descendant of Solomon.
I do not know when we might go, of course, as we have just met. We met in the parking lot outside my office. (He saw me carrying my Bible into the office, and he came into the office with me. When he saw my books, we had a good talk, and he is now anxious to learn the Scriptures.)
Yesterday I attended a meeting at an African (Nigerian, I think) church in St. Paul, where a friend had been invited to speak. The pastor’s name is Abraham, and the speaker’s name is David.
Anyway, back to the 9th sign of Elisha.
I now see that the 9th sign of Elisha was indeed fulfilled November 13, 14, 2013 when I was in the Philippines. However, we had wait till the 1335th day for it to be activated. Daniel 12:12 says,
12 How blessed is he who keeps waiting and attains to the 1335 days!
July 9/10, 2017 was precisely 1335 days from the conference at Lake Sebu. We waited, and I believe that we have now broken through into the double portion of Elisha.
This was foreshadowed by the Birthright Staff which I received on April 19, 2017. Since that day, many signs have emerged, and after mid-June, the signs began to multiply. On July 15 we saw a clear sign of its fulfillment, though once again, it is only a starting point. I regret that I cannot yet tell you about that sign, but I am convinced that it will prove out in the next few weeks or months. Since I cannot prove it yet, I must wait. Right now, it is more a matter of faith than sight, but I believe that I have heard from God on this matter.
The bottom line is that I am now seriously preparing for the Open Door ministry, knowing that the time is now. I believe that the sign actually occurred in 2013, but that we had to wait 1335 days for it to come to the surface. Actual trips overseas will not begin until after the feast of Tabernacles, but I have an invitation to the Philippines in late October and another to Cambodia in November. I am not yet sure where this trip to Ethiopia trip fits into the picture. But keep in mind also that on June 24 I received a prophetic word about Cambodia and Kenya while I was at the apostolic ordination meetings in Green Bay, Wisconsin.
As always, if God is in it, He will provide the means to do the work, and He will open the right doors. I am not one who is determined to beat down the doors or storm the gates of heaven. I do not lay siege to heaven; I am one of heaven’s defenders, even if I have to defend it from Christians who lay siege to it. God is in charge here, not me.
Our conference in Cloquet, Minnesota is associated with nearby Duluth (daleth, “open door”). Just east of Duluth is a town called Hermantown, which represents Mount Hermon. In the book of Enoch, Mount Hermon was the place where the Nephilim problem originated in Genesis 6:4. That was a false “sons of God” movement, an early attempt to usurp the authority that was to be given to the true Sons of God.
Jesus was transfigured on Mount Hermon, just up the mountain from Caesarea Philippi, where He left most of His disciples (Matthew 16:13). They ministered there while Jesus and 3 of the disciples went up the Mount. His transfiguration affirmed that Jesus was the true Son of God (Matthew 17:5).
So it is interesting that the revelation from the missionary in Africa has affirmed that there we are to replace the Nephilim guarding the portal/window/open door with Seraphim. Seraphim were placed at Cloquet on July 3, 2017, and another seraph called Power of the Flame was assigned to Hermantown on July 15. (Four of us went before the divine court to do this work on the morning of July 15, as a prerequisite to the 9th sign of Elisha that immediately followed.)
Power of the Flame was assigned to me in 2001. This was not my own revelation. I was informed of this by a telephone call from a man from California who had received this word from God, based on Isaiah 47:14. I did not know what to do with this revelation until now, nor did I even understand that this angel was a seraph until two weeks ago. Yet strangely enough, I have been writing about this angel in my fourth novel, which is entitled, Power of the Flame. The book is a bit longer than the first three in the series. I have only a few chapters to go, and the book should be ready for publishing in August.