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Note: This blog post is part of a series titled "Studies in First Corinthians." To view all parts, click the link below.
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:21-24,
21 And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; or again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” 22 On the contrary, it is much truer that the members of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary; 23 and those members of the body, which we deem less honorable, on these we bestow more abundant honor, and our unseemly members come to have more abundant seemliness, 24 whereas our seemly members have no need of it….
Just as it is absurd for an eye to claim that the ear is not part of the body because of its inability to see, so also the eye cannot tell a hand or foot, “I have no need of you.” Perhaps an eye or ear does not need a hand or foot for some of its activity, but without an eye, a hand has difficulty doing its work, and a foot may stumble as it walks. Body parts must work together, even if they are not always needed for certain tasks.
The Need for Gifts
A church may claim that the gift of prophecy is no longer needed, because we now have the “complete Scripture” since John finished writing the book of Revelation. Yet the members of such churches often flounder, not hearing God’s voice, and not knowing what direction to go in their daily lives. The biggest question is “What is God’s will for me?” The written Scriptures can guide us generally, according to the moral principles of the law or the manner in which God led others in the past. But to discover the will of God for one’s self is another matter.
The Cessationists usually admit that the early church had an advantage over us, in that they enjoyed the spiritual gifts that could provide guidance by the Holy Spirit. But they say that the gifts ended when John died. But the need for the gifts did not end. If anything, the need became greater with the death of the original apostles. The church grew more and more corrupt as the centuries passed. Today the church struggles with Babylonian immorality and distractions. Not only do many people have difficulty hearing God’s voice for themselves, but they have no prophet to hear God on their behalf or even to confirm the word and will of God for them.
The fact that we possess Scriptures today does not mean that we have all that we need to apply those Scriptures to our daily lives. In fact, the Israelites in the Old Testament had the law, which was sufficient for them at the time, yet they still strayed, and God still raised up prophets. The New Testament shed more light on the truth, but even after it was written, the church continued to have difficulty applying that truth. Would God not give them prophets, too?
To say that the various gifts of the Spirit are no longer necessary is to say that one organ has no need of another organ. The eye of a seer, the ear of a prophet, the hand of a healer, the foot of the miracle worker cannot be rejected by the other body parts without impairing the functionality of the whole body. Paul’s concern in his own time was that a prophet might despise the healer, or that one who spoke in tongues might reject the need for an interpreter. But long after Paul’s death, the church began to despise all of the gifts and to reject them all as unnecessary.
The absurdity of this would have been obvious to the apostle. If he had foreseen such wholesale rejection of the gifts, perhaps he would have written more extensively about it. Instead, he focuses primarily upon the problem of one person thinking that his or her gift is complete in itself and has no dependence upon the other gifts. Even so, what he wrote is sufficient, for he established the necessity of each part of the body, regardless of its function (gift). Cessationism rejects outright the gifts that God has given to the church.
The various body parts of the church are all important. Each person is important, but Paul was not speaking merely of church members. He was speaking of individuals exercising their unique gifts in the church to edify the others. What good is an ear that does not hear? What good is an eye that does not see? What good is a foot that cannot walk? Body parts are not just for show. They must function in their various gifts in order to be useful to the body.
Lesser and Greater Gifts
It seems to be normal among Christians that certain gifts are honored (and glamorized) more highly than others. This is usually because we seek that which we ourselves need the most at any given time. One who is terminally ill needs a healer above all else. One who lacks wisdom needs to find someone with the gift of wisdom. One who speaks in tongues needs an interpreter. The need at any given moment usually determines our priorities.
Nonetheless, in a general sense, Christians often esteem healers more highly than one who interprets tongues, and the gift of faith draws bigger crowds than the gift of wisdom. Some push the gift of tongues upon all, while others despise tongues as being totally unnecessary or even harmful. It is natural (that is, soulish) for believers to esteem one gift above another. It was so in Paul’s time, and nothing has changed to the present day.
In all of our thoughts about spiritual gifts, it is important that we do not forget those gifts that seem less important to us. While some gifts may not be needful to an individual, keep in mind that every gift is vital to someone else, even if only for a moment.
Blending the Body Parts
Paul continues in 1 Corinthians 12:24,
24 … But God has so composed [sygkerannymi, “blended, co-mingled”] the body, giving more abundant honor to that member which lacked, 25 that there should be no division in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another.
Paul says here that God has deliberately distributed His gifts to each member of the body, blending them together, so that all have something to contribute to the whole, and no one is left out. We ought to be conscious of this, so that if we see one who seems to have no gift or purpose, we should pray to know that person’s function. Paul’s concern was “that there should be no division in the body.” This was a tall order in Paul’s day, and we face the same problem in our own time as well.
Perhaps Paul recognized the problem that Israel faced under Moses. The people’s rejection of the word at Mount Horeb (Exodus 20:18-21) caused them to elevate Moses to the position of the professional priest who was supposed to meet all the needs of the people. That was the day that was thereafter celebrated as Shavuot, or Pentecost. If the Israelites had been able to receive the word at that time, they would have become true Pentecostals, and the gifts of the Spirit would have been distributed to each of the people.
However, that did not happen in a general sense, although there were a few exceptions, such as Eldad and Medad, who prophesied (Numbers 11:27), and Bezalel, who had the gift of wisdom (Exodus 31:2, 3).
Paul’s concern was that the spiritual gifts would revert back to the Israelite pattern, where one man would be expected to possess all of the gifts. Paul did not want to be in the place of Moses to the Corinthian church. He believed that every believer had a gift, and that his own apostolic calling was to help all of them develop their gifts and strengthen them that they might use their gifts more effectively. Further, Paul did not want them to be dependent upon the apostle, but to depend upon the whole body.
Paul continues in 1 Corinthians 12:26, 27,
26 And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. 27 Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it.
Christ is the great equalizer. Hence, when each gift is in operation, all must submit to the gift in that person in whom Christ is working or speaking. Apostles have no right to despise the word or gift that operates in an “ordinary” believer, for to do so would be to despise the operation of Christ Himself. Of course, it is also the function of the body itself to determine whether or not it is a genuine spiritual gift or a soulish operation of the carnal mind that is manifesting.
The body is only as functional as its individual members. Hence, it is to the advantage of the body as a whole to develop and strengthen each member’s individual gift, for when one suffers, all suffer, and when one rejoices, all rejoice.
Note: This blog post is part of a series titled "Studies in First Corinthians." To view all parts, click the link below.