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We will be leaving on Monday morning to go to the conference in Branson. Today and tomorrow we will have many last-minute preparations for the trip, so I will not do any more weblogs for the next week..
The 3 books on Daniel should be done in October before I leave on a two-week trip to the Philippines late in the month. I am scheduled to speak at a couple of conferences there. One of those conferences will be held in the city where I went to grade school back during the Stone Age.
Next week end the conference in Branson, MO will be live-streamed as usual. We are getting better at this, now that we have done it a few times. The live-streaming will begin about 2 pm on Friday, Central Time. The same on Saturday. Sunday's live-streaming will probably begin earlier at 10 am. Again, all the video stream info, schedules, updates, etc. are on the main event page linked here
Friday and Saturday will feature the main speakers, and each will speak once each day. Sunday is still flexible. It appears that the afternoon will be a music session coordinated by Dave Dixon but will include a variety of musicians who come to the conference. Vincent Imperial will close out the conference Sunday night, which also ends our 76-day "Cleanse the House" prayer campaign.
The contracted rooms at the hotel are all booked. More rooms are available, of course, but at a much higher price (about $250/night). If anyone makes a last-minute decision to come, I suggest finding a room at another hotel that is less expensive. There are 216 hotels in the area. Of course, no one needs to pre-register for the conference itself. All are welcome free of charge, as usual.
If you are interested in offering or requesting to share a room or ride, contact who can help connect you.
I believe that the significance of this conference is seen in the progression of timing in the past few years. Last year at Tabernacles we celebrated the end of the time that God had allotted to the beast nations to rule the earth. We declared the transfer of authority as prophesied in Daniel 7:22, 27. This was a legal act in the Divine Court, but the beast nations apparently did not get the message.
Nonetheless, at Passover this year we celebrated the Coronation of Christ (the Head) and the Overcomers (His Body).
From July 22 to October 4 we "cleansed the house" in order to prepare for the work of ruling the Kingdom. Well, not so fast. We have been cleansed so that we can begin learning to exercise the authority that we have been given. Many have already begun doing this on some level, but there is a difference today. In past times we exercised spiritual authority while in captivity. Now we are entering a time where we can exercise authority in a post-beast world.
There will be a time of transition, of course. If God suddenly struck down the beast nations, we would be faced with utter chaos, and most of us would be unprepared to fill the vacuum. The overcomers need to begin to rise up and take their responsibility while much of the Church waits for a rapture or runs for the hills to escape the antichrist.
At some point the Holy Spirit will begin to be poured out upon the earth. This will be the tsunami that will pave the way and provide us with unlimited opportunity to show forth the love, wisdom, and power of God.
The conference in Branson is designed to help prepare us for those days ahead.