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The war in Syria really has little to do with establishing democracy. Democracy is the excuse for the US-backed uprising, and now the recent sarin gas incident, blaming Assad for the work of the US-backed rebels, is the case for a military strike.
But the real war is about natural gas and a pipeline that must go through Syria in order to serve the European markets. Behind this pipeline is a US plan to undercut the Russians, who make good money piping its own natural gas to Europe.
The full story can be read here:
The pipeline is called "Nabucco," which is derived from Nebuchadnezzar. It is meant to link the the gas and oil from the Caspian Sea through Turkey into Europe. Qatar wants an extension of the Arab gas pipeline to link Qatar's natural gas to the pipeline in Turkey, via Syria. The Arab gas pipeline goes from Egypt to Syria, but they want to extend it to Turkey. See the maps here:
If you want to know more specifically who the men are that are willing to kill hundreds of thousands of Syrians for the sake of their pipeline profits, you have to understand the Nabucco project itself. A reader wrote me and summarized it this way:
"The name of the Nabucco Pipeline was derived from an Italian Opera by the same name which the 5 members that are backing this pipeline were watching as entertainment while they met together in Venice.
"The name Nabucco is a translation of Nebuchadnezzar and the play is a perversion of the Babylonian captivity, where the time of the captivity is combined in the play with the time where Nebuchadnezzar goes mad in chapter 4 and then the Hebrews are released with Nebuchadnezzar's blessing, completely ignoring the Hebrew repentance through Daniel and the fall of Babylon during Belshazzar's reign.
It seems that the oil elite are trying to negate the prophetic significance of the true fall of Babylon and the return of the Hebrews to Jerusalem. But you just can't twist scripture.
So it appears that Babylon, symbolized by Nebuchadnezzar (Nabucco), is behind this war of control over natural gas pipelines. The war is primarily directed against Russia's economic interests, and hence, Syria is the battleground in a gas war between the US and Russia. Behind this war is Nabucco, or Babylon, which makes Russia one of the "Kings of the East," called to overthrow Babylon in the long run.
Meanwhile, a US attack on Syria would violate the treaty that Jacob made with Laban, the Syrian, in Genesis 31:44-53. Most people miss this, because they think that modern Jacob are the Jews or the nation that calls itself "Israel." The Jews are NOT the biblical Israel, as I explained in my book, Who is an Israelite?
The nations of Europe, America, Australia, New Zealand, etc. are the literal descendants of Jacob today, as the so-called "ten lost tribes" were taken to Assyria and later immigrated into Europe under other names. So if we attack Syria, it will be in violation of the ancient treaty.
I find it significant, then, that we are now engaged in a time of intercession to ask God's forgiveness for violating treaties with the Native Americans. It seems that breaking treaties is what our government does best. In Genesis 31:52 Laban says,
52 "This heap is a witness, and the pillar is a witness, that I will not pass by this heap to you for harm, and you will not pass by this heap and this pillar to me, for harm. 53 The God of Abraham, and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, judge between us." So Jacob swore by the fear of his father Isaac.
If US missiles are launched against Syria, this will be a violation of this treaty, which Laban asked God Himself to enforce by divine judgment. The US government, in its arrogance, refuses to recognize God and probably scoffs at the idea that God might take up this case and judge the matter. So we will see what develops.