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Military Announcement
To the residents of Sheikh Ijleen, Tal al Hawa, Remal al-Janoub, Zeitoun neighbourhood, Shoujaiyat al-Tourkman, Shoujaiyat al-Jadida....
For your own safety, you are requested to evacuate your houses right away and to move towards Gaza city...
This confrontation is temporary and once it ends everyone will go home.
Obeying the orders of the Israeli military will result in you, civilian residents, not being hurt....
The Israeli military thinks that warning people to flee their houses can remove the blood from their hands when they start bombing those civilian houses. They have been doing this for a long time. I recall the story of the village of Deir Yassin back in 1948 when the Israelis claimed to have warned people to leave the town. The loudspeaker jeep that was supposed to warn the people tipped over into the ditch and never did sound the warning. But the attack came anyway, and over 250 old men, women, and children were massacred, some in very gruesome fashion. (Nearly all the able-bodied men of the village were out of town working.)
See page 142 of my book, The Struggle for the Birthright (in chapter 11).
It has long been Israeli policy to inflame Palestinians and provoke them to fight back, so that the Israelis have an excuse to claim the right of self-defense. They did this countless times in the past, including the incident at Deir Yassin. When Menachem Begin attacked the village, a few old men fired back in a feeble attempt at self-defense. The Israelis then claimed the reciprocal right of self-defense, as if no one has the right to shoot back at an invading Israeli army.
Now the Israeli army is again threatening people of Gaza. If the people refuse to leave, then, of course, the self-righteous Israelis will say once again, "It's their own fault. They should have left when we told them to leave!"
What most do not realize, of course, is that Gaza itself is one huge refugee camp that was created by fleeing Palestinians in 1948. Once these people fled their homes, the Israelis demolished their homes and refused to allow them to return. Now they want Gaza, or parts of it, probably to obtain more land for another Israeli settlement. The military notice claims that this is a "temporary" situation. They made the same claims in the past, and Gaza bears witness to the lie.
November 21-29, 1947 was the UN's debate regarding the Palestinian Resolution. (It was passed on November 29.) It seems too coincidental that we are coming upon another war on the anniversary of that Resolution. Wednesday is November 21, 2012, the 65th anniversary of the Resolution. Watch what the Israelis do. Perhaps this invasion will fill Edom's cup of iniquity and cause God to intervene, saying, "Enough! Esau-Edom has proven himself to be unworthy of the Birthright. He is a rebellious son, who has misused the Birthright and is therefore disqualified to rule the Kingdom!"