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Government Manipulated Figures (GMF) indicate that the unemployment rate in America has dropped significantly this past month to just 8.6%.
I am suspicious of their revisions of statistics from the past few months. But the most revealing statement is this:
"Still, the reason the unemployment rate fell so much was because roughly 315,000 people gave up looking for work and were no longer counted as unemployed."
You see, the unemployment rate does not count everyone who is out of work, nor even everyone who would love to have a job. It counts those who are getting unemployment benefits. If the benefits run out before a person can find a new job, they are considered unemployable or that they have stopped looking for work.
That is when they are dropped from the official unemployment rate. There are actually about 16% who are not working, but only 8.6% who are "unemployed" by government statistics.
This is how government manipulates the figures to make things look better than they are. And we have the nerve to criticize other countries for lying about the true state of affairs in those other countries!
God does not like double standards which violate the laws of equal weights and measures (Matt. 7:1, 2).