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I had mentioned in an earlier blog that Sept. 22 was a watch date. This was based on the revelation that "July is like September," linking the Oslo massacre on July 22 to the date of Sept. 22.
Recall that July 15-22 is a type of the feast of Tabernacles, because July is our 7th month. So July 22 was a type of the 8th day of Tabernacles. On that day we saw the "revenge" killing in Oslo as an "alternate target" when we refused to allow the Dalai Lama to bring in his 722 Buddhist gods to Washington D.C. on July 16.
So what happened on September 22? We saw an important sign of the 8th day of Tabernacles. It occurred when Einstein's theory of relativity was shattered by sub-atomic particles traveling faster than the speed of light.
The 8th day of Tabernacles is the day prophesied for the presentation of the Sons of God to the Father in heaven, followed by their manifestation on earth. See my book, The Laws of the Second Coming.
The biblical type is seen clearly in the story of Elijah. He first raised the widow woman's son from the dead as a type of the feast of Trumpets (1 Kings 17:23). Next, he had his showdown with the prophets of Baal, a type of the Day of Atonement (1 Kings 18:24). Thirdly, he prayed 7 days for rain (1 Kings 18:43), a type of the feast of Tabernacles.
Finally, on the 8th day came the rain (18:45), which pictures the outpouring of the Spirit. On that day, Elijah outran the chariot of King Ahab (18:46). This pictures the Sons of God transcending Einstein's laws of physics through time travel. It is similar to the story of Jesus in John 6:21. Once Jesus got into the boat, the whole boatload of disciples were suddenly transported to the other side of the lake.
And so, for scientists to make their announcement on September 22 that certain particles have exceeded the speed of light is a certain sign of the 8th of Tabernacles. September used to be the 7th month on the Roman calendar--back in the days when March was their first month. Although the first month was changed to January, they retained the names of their months. For those who know their Latin, "September" means the 7th month, "October" means the 8th month, "November" means the 9th month, and "December" means the 10th month.
In other words, God has given us multiple layers of signs of the feast of Tabernacles. We can observe these signs in July and in September as well as the actual feast days on the Hebrew calendar.
In this case, the Oslo incident on July 22 saw 77 people murdered.
"On 29 July police announced that one of the severely wounded victims from Utøya had died in a hospital, bringing the death toll from the island massacre to 69 (and 77 total, including 8 from the bombing in Oslo)."
Why 77? In Luke 3:23-38 we find that there were 77 generations from Jesus, the Son, going back to God, the Father. (Jesus was the 76th generation from Adam, but Luke speaks of "Adam, the son of God." He includes God in the genealogy.)
The murder of 77 people, from a prophetic viewpoint, was an attempt to kill off the Sons of God. But all he succeeded in doing was to verify that we are now the 77th generation, so to speak, and like Jesus Himself, we now await the birth of the Manchild. The killer could not harm the actual Sons of God, so he took alternative targets in Oslo, mostly children who were vulnerable to attack.
The Sons of God are the heirs of the world and called to "reign upon the earth" (Rev. 5:10). Unable to harm these protected ones, the killer took the lives of the children of the politicians in Oslo, those who were planning a career as the next generation of world rulers. The Wikipedia at the above link says:
"The camp was organized by AUF, the youth division of the ruling Norwegian Labour Party."
This massacre was motivated by revenge for the Oslo Peace Accords, signed on Sept. 13, 1993.
On September 13, 1993, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat met and watched Foreign Minister Shimon Peresand PLO official Abou Abbas formally sign the agreement reached at Oslo. President Clinton, who presided over the signing, said, "Today marks a shining moment of hope for the people of the Middle East; indeed, of the entire world."
This brings us to another very important layer on this entire revelation.
Abou Abbas signed the Oslo Accord in 1993, where it was agreed that the Palestinians would obtain an independent state within 7 years. Abou (i.e., Mahmoud) Abbas, presented the UN with an appeal for statehood just yesterday, Sept. 23.
Keep in mind that the Oslo massacre in July was motivated by a man objecting to the Oslo Accord. It was his attempt to stop the formation of a Palestinian State. Two months later, Abbas went to the UN and appealed for statehood, after running into great resistance by both Netanyahu and Obama. Obama's speech on Sept. 21 claimed that UN resolutions are not the solution, but only direct negotiations. Abbas claimed that negotiations have failed since 1993, and the increased Israeli settlements have been akin to them eating the cheese while negotiating over how much each party gets to keep.
So we understand that events in July and September were intricately related to the same issue of Palestinian Statehood. That appears to be the major issue involved in our "Angel of the Waters" prayer campaign last July and the actual events now seen this past week.
Recall that our Jubilee Prayer Campaign began November 21, 1993, on the 70th day after the Oslo Accord was signed. The peace that we have sought by spiritual warfare is the only one that will truly succeed. This is now 18 years later. In the life of Joseph, David, and Saul, their 18th year was when they were all tested by severe trouble. In the NT there was a woman "whom Satan has bound for eighteen long years" (Luke 13:16).
Eighteen is the biblical number for oppression or bondage. We have now arrived at a very important 18-year cycle. Our prayer efforts are designed to set people free, even as Jesus healed the woman that had been bound for 18 years. Nonetheless, there are spiritual forces that will exact their revenge by attacking those who are vulnerable. These are the alternate targets, and there is little that we can do to stop it, because those people have not sought refuge in Christ.
But you know the solution. Stay close to Jesus, and be led by the Spirit.