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Thom Mills writing on behalf of Stephen Jones.
A number of people have called recently looking for information on Potassium Iodate, it's availability and use in relationship to the on going nuclear crisis in Japan. I spoke with Dr. Jones earlier today and, not having access to the internet while traveling, asked me to post the following.
Dr. Jones is suggesting that people stay tuned to the news as the crisis develops. As at this point there is not a complete meltdown situation, the risk to peoples health, especially in North America, is currently very low. Potassium Iodate is used to saturate the thyroid gland so that radiation cannot be absorbed. At this point in time, this is not a risk. It is suggested that any use of Potassium Iodate be taken only if the situation in Japan becomes a larger event. Watch for news of an actual meltdown of a nuclear reaction. This would release substantially more radioactivity into the atmosphere, which could be carried by the jet stream directly across the Pacific Ocean to the USA.
Some have asked about Potassium Iodate vs Potassium Iodide. Potassium Iodide received hundred million dollar double blind test done many years ago to get FDA approval; this has not been done with Potassium Iodate ... but there has certainly been much testing done on it. Tests show that the two forms are both effective and will work in the thyroid in the same manner. Potassium Iodate has been shown to be easier on the body in its use and certainly has a longer shelf life.
Potassium Iodate can be ordered from our website at (bottom of the page). Having said that, as of today we are out of stock. We will have more stock in a week or two and will post a notice then.