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As I have written in recent months, we are seeing in 2011 many "echo effects" of the prayer campaigns that were done ten years ago (2001).
Last week we were watching March 22-24, since it was ten years after the third prayer campaign by which we overthrew the seven "princes" over America. These seven princes had been established in the days of King Jeroboam of Israel, who set up the golden calves in Bethel and Dan (1 Kings 12:28, 29).
These golden calves were the primary reason for Israel's downfall, captivity, and dispersal throughout the nations (1 Kings 13:34; 14:16; 15:26, 30, 34; 16:2, 19, 26, etc.).
The captivity of Israel did not end the rule of the golden calves, but ensured that Israel would continue to be dominated by these enslaving spirits for a long time.
On Nov. 30, 2000, the overcomers reached their full level of authority, according to the pattern of David being crowned king over all Israel 7 1/2 years after the death of Saul (May 30, 1993). This new level of spiritual authority gave the overcomers the ability to deal with the golden calves ruling America, and hence we were led into spiritual warfare, beginning in early 2001.
Hosea calls these golden calves "lovers" (2:7), and Israel played the role of a harlot (2:5) pursuing those lovers, or false gods. Likewise, the prophet says in verse 4,
4 Also, I will have no compassion on her children, because they are the children of harlotry.
There is more than one level of meaning to this verse. On the surface, the Israelites themselves were "the children of harlotry" in a figurative or spiritual sense. But in 2001 we learned a deeper truth by the revelation of God.
America-Israel had been "married" to the golden calves, and this marriage had produced "children." Obviously, golden calves do not reproduce with women, so one must look at this with spiritual eyes. Such a "marriage" produces "fruit" that is anything but the fruit of the Spirit. Such unholy fruit is manifested in real people, political and religious leaders in particular.
Hence, we get that common Hebrew metaphor, "children of the devil." The phrase is much like "children of light," or "children of wisdom," or "sons of thunder," or "children of darkness." These are metaphors for people who act like their spiritual fathers, whether good or bad.
The point is that America's unholy marriage with the golden calves produced unholy offspring, spiritually speaking, who were "chips off the old block." Their beliefs and actions aligned with the character of the golden calves (the seven princes), rather than with Israel's "first Husband" (Hos. 2:7), Jesus Christ, who had married Israel at Mount Sinai.
Our first round of prayer campaigns in 2001 culminated with the overthrow of the golden calves on March 24, 2001, and we received direct revelation at the time:
"America's divorce from the false gods took place March 24."
This "divorce" resolved a very major issue in America's spiritual history. However, there was a secondary problem that had to be resolved a month later, April 24, 2001. The problem had to do with the spiritual children of that unholy relationship. Not only did God demand a divorce, He also demanded an annulment in order to disinherit the children of that unholy marriage from the beginning.
Here is the specific Word that God gave us on April 20, 2001:
"Hence, I am not satisfied with a mere divorce from the golden calves, but will also annul the marriage from the start, so that the children from this unholy union have no claim to rule this nation. I will lay a new foundation in America on June 19, as prophesied in Isaiah 28:16."
16 Therefore, thus says the Lord God, Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone, a costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed. . . 18 and your covenant with death shall be canceled [annulled].
The revelation related this "covenant with death" to Israel's marriage covenant which bound her to the golden calves.
In asking for further details as to what we were to do, He first gave us Gal. 3:15 with special focus upon the phrase, "man's covenant." Then He said,
"You are to annul their covenant, for this is the heart of the matter. Man's covenant is the counterpart to the New Covenant marriage proposal that I am presenting to the Bride in June."
We came to understand that this action would directly benefit America in the small picture, but that this was a microcosm of a much bigger story that goes back to Adam. Adam's sin was also a "covenant with death," because his sin married mankind to Death itself, bringing mortality to all men. Our carnal desires and tendencies then brought forth the fruit of death, which are the works of the flesh. Fleshly works are the spiritual children of the old Adamic man. This is why we are to identify with the New Creation Man, the Christ within us, as Paul did in Romans 7.
This prayer campaign in 2001 was specifically directed toward America itself, but it was a pattern setter for what God would do on behalf of the whole world.
Specifically, this prayer campaign was designed to disinherit the ungodly and/or corrupt leaders in America, both political and religious. This was designed to prepare the way for the rule of the overcomers, those with the character of Christ, those having a new identity in Christ.
In retrospect, it is now clear why I was led to post the prayer of the New Creation Man on Nov. 21, 2010 at the start of the current "prophetic year." We are being prepared to take over, even as the children of the unholy union are disinherited.
The spiritual location for the April 24, 2001 prayer battle was Corpus Christi ("Body of Christ"). In the spiritual world, everything seems to move by symbolism, as if there is no difference between the symbol and the actual object that it symbolizes. Hence, an attack on the Body of Christ can be conducted in the heavens over Corpus Christi, Texas.
A month before this prayer campaign began, God had sent Christine and Anna to Corpus Christi (March 20, 2001) to pray protection for the Manchild and the Bride of Christ at the shore of the Gulf of Mexico. This anticipated the battle on April 24, though it had not yet been revealed. They were to drive through the city, praying Titus 2:11-15.
11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, 12 instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously, and godly in the present age, 13 looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of THE GLORY of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus; 14 who gave Himself for us; that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. 15 These things speak and exhort and reprovewith all authority. Let no one disregard you.
Hence, the annulment of the "covenant with death" established the fact in the Divine Court that Israel's marriage with the golden calves was null and void from the beginning. The children of that marriage were disinherited and forbidden to rule America and (by extension) the rest of the world as well. The message was "salvation to all men." The instruction was "to deny ungodliness." The Hope was "the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus."
The success of this spiritual battle set the stage for the great marriage proposal on June 19, 2001.