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This is my prayer for Haiti today. Please join with me in this prayer, if you are so led.
Father, in this hour of trial for your children in Haiti, we pray that you will pour out your Holy Spirit as the latter rain in that land. Thank-you for casting down the false gods who have ruled that nation for centuries. Be now exalted in Haiti above all gods, and manifest your presence in your people in a new and living way.
Father, in the midst of chaos, give your children peace. In the midst of danger, protect them by your angels and cause those who would do them harm to be paralyzed by the fear of the Lord until they acknowledge you as King. In the loss of friends and family, comfort them and strengthen them with hope and courage. In the destruction of their churches, let your people find greater unity in Christ. In the destruction of their government, let them know the true government of your Kingdom and true righteousness.
Give them a great increase in faith by meeting their needs when they call upon you. In the midst of famine, multiply their bread to feed the multitude. In the midst of thirst, let their water continue to flow without ceasing and be a river of life that flows out from their midst. Bring forth abundance out of poverty by your creative power operating in them. In the midst of injury and death, give your children a new confidence of faith to heal the sick and injured and to raise the dead.
Let there be an outpouring of the Spirit upon Haiti without measure until all the inhabitants of the island proclaim you as their King. Let them repent of the folly of calling upon Satan to deliver them from bondage. Open their eyes to the only source of true Freedom, that they may know the power of the Jubilee.
Father, let these birthpangs bring forth a new day, a new Son, a new nation, anointed with the authority to rule and reign over the elements that you have created. Give them the revelation and understanding of what it means to rule, that they may seek to serve, rather than to be served, and to bless, rather than to seek blessing.
Let the baptism of fire come down upon your people and upon the entire nation by the Power of the Flame (Isaiah 47:14).
We pray this in the name of Jesus. Thank-you, heavenly Father, for answering this prayer.