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It looks like the stock market lost its steam yesterday. After rising another 400 points, it dropped back down and ended lower for the day. While we may see some days where it rises, I think it will continue to decline in the long run.
These small rallies are caused by people on Wall Street looking for the bottom of the market, hoping to jump back in when it goes back up. But as more bank failures occur, and companies like General Motors go bankrupt, the reality of the situation will again prevail.
Nonetheless, regardless of how Babylon fares, our prayer is first that God provides for the needs of the overcomers and anyone else who works for the Kingdom of God.
Here in Florida, I have heard some pretty amazing testimonies of the grace of God. If you could hear all their stories, you would realize that mine are not so different, nor am I the only one out there with a God story. Each person is unique, of course, but God works with many people in unusual and marvelous ways to train us by difficult experiences. These change not only our own lives, but also the lives of those who observe and are able to eat the sweet fruit of our welll-dunged "tree."
I am among friends here who understand my story, because they have gone through similar things themselves over the years. I have found that sharing such stories is a great encouragement to everyone, knowing that they are part of a plan that is much bigger than any of us could imagine.
Tomorrow we will be heading for Tennessee to meet and fellowship with others of like mind and faith.