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The key correlation by which we may calculate the years from Adam with our modern Gregorian calendar is this:
3042 years from Adam = 853 B.C.
Once we have made that correlation, it is only a matter of simple math to see that the year 5880 from Adam--that is, the 120th Jubilee--comes in the fall of 1986. Our advantage is that we do not have to calculate each event in history by stringing events together to arrive at this date. There are often differences of opinion among historians as to the precise date of many events. But we can bypass all those differences simply because our key (above) is based upon how many years ago the solar eclipse occurred on June 15, 763 B.C.
That is a precise count of years, based upon the uniformity of planetary motion.
The Jubilees, as I have said before, occur in the 50th year, but each Jubilee year is also the first year of the next cycle. Thus, when counting 10 Jubilees, it is not 500 years, but 490, with the year of Jubilee falling in the 491st year.
For this reason, Daniel's 70 weeks give us a period of 70 rest years (70 x 7), but it is also a period of 10 Jubilees.
When the 12 spies of Israel gave their report in Numbers 13, it was the 50th Jubilee from Adam (i.e., 49 x 50). This was the year 2,450, not the year 2500.
Finally, the year 1986 is the 120th Jubilee from Adam, and it is the year 5880, not 6000.
In one sense, God has used this system to shorten the time for the sake of the elect (Matt. 24:22). Each Jubilee year shortened the time by the laws of Time, for by overlapping the 50th year with the first year of the next cycle, God doubled the time every year of Jubilee. The result was that the 120th Jubilee packed 6000 years into just 5880.
So the year 1986 is 5880 years of chronological time, yet it is actually 6000 years of "legal time.," or time altered by the laws of Time. God did this, knowing that by the time we arrived at this point in history, mankind would have the means and the folly to destroy themselves many times over. The earth would not otherwise survive to the chronological 6000 years of history, which falls in the year 2106.
Because of this factor, God may now release the earth from the bondage of Babylon and give it a rest year, a Sabbath, for we are now at the beginning of the 7th "day" by legal time. He is truly the Lord of the Sabbath and of all time measures.
From personal experience, I discovered the year 1986, for it greatly impacted my life and brought with it some major changes. Yet it was not until 1991 that I discovered its importance and realized why things had gone the way they did. The discovery explained what happened in my life at that time.
I was involved in intercession and spiritual warfare in a 5-year calling from 1981-1986. But because the Church did not respond to that call, the revelation of timing was postponed for 10 years, and the successful work was not done until 1991-1996. Then, by the "Hezekiah Factor," God declared the 120th Jubilee in 1996 and turned the clock back 10 "degrees" (steps on the sun dial of Ahaz) to apply the declaration legally back to 1986.
God did the same with Hezekiah in 2 Kings 19-20. He did so 220 years after the death of Solomon, when the Kingdom was divided in 931 B.C. over the issue of high taxes without representation. Israel's 14th Jubilee (from their Jordan crossing) was the year 721 B.C., and this was after 210 years of independence from the monarchy of Judah. But Isaiah's Jubilee declaration (2 Kings 19;29) was fulfilled 10 years later in the year 711 B.C. It was made "legal" in the following chapter, when God turned the clock back 10 steps on the sun dial (20:11).
In other words, God turned the clock back 10 years prophetically speaking, in order to coincide the Jubilee declaration/deliverance with Israel's actual Jubilee in 721 B.C.
God worked out the same program in America on the same time factor. We had our revolt in 1776, and 210 years later, the 120th Jubilee was in 1986. But no one knew to declare the Jubilee, because the Church did not respond to the call to prayer, and so the revelation of timing was not given at that time. Instead, God waited 10 years, and then revealed that the Jubilee was to be declared 10 years late in the year 1996. This was precisely 220 years after America's revolt from the monarchy over high taxes without representation.
We are now coming upon a secondary fulfillment of this plan in the year 2010, for all the reasons stated in my recent series on the Haggai ministry. The year 1776 was certainly important, for iti was 2,520 years (7 "times) from the beginning of Israel's captivity in 745 B.C. But the year 1800 is even more important, because it is 2,520 years after the fall of Samaria in 721 B.C.
Thus, it was 210 years from Solomon's death in 931 B.C. to the fall of Samaria in 721 B.C. Then it is another 12 x 210 years to the year 1800, when Washington D.C. was built. Then there is that final 210 years to the year 2010, a total of 14 periods of 210 years.
Since the year 2010 actually begins (by Hebrew time) in September of 2009, it correlates precisely with September of 1999, which happens to be the 2000th birthday of Jesus Christ, who was born on the Feast of Trumpets in 2 B.C.
In other words, it looks like the fall of 2009 is--by legal time--the year 1999. It correlates with the birthday of Jesus and the prophecy in Hosea 6:2, "After two days will He revive us; in the third day He will raise us up."
If this is a national prophecy, and if our understanding is correct, then we might watch for some kind of national "revival" at that time. Jesus Himself fulfilled this verse in terms of His resurrection from the dead, but we have never seen how it could be fulfilled nationally. Perhaps we should watch for some sort of declaration by whoever is president at the time. It seems like it would have to be a declaration re-instating Jesus as the rightful King who stands above all human governments.
Whatever happens, though, at the present time, we can only speculate about it. Yet given the steady slide toward war and economic disaster, such understanding of time cycles can serve to give us hope, something to watch for, something to pray toward. We are not left alone to fear the future. Though our world may come crashing down, the earth is not going to be destroyed. It will instead be filled with the glory of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).